I have been hearing since years warnings about the totalitarian green agenda, which I always dismissed like scary fantasies, still far away. However recently I head some experiences in my life, that felt like things becoming real very fast.
The first one was when the company, where I work, recently introduced a new climate competition with a financial reward as a prize. The competition would involve installing an app, that runs permanently on your phone and tracks all of your movements. It can then detect the type of transportation you are using and based on this estimate your carbon emissions. The people with the lowest emissions at the end of the competition win. In addition it contains social elements, where you can see who else has installed this app and how well you are doing in comparison to them. It was all introduced as totally voluntary, but just the fact that something so close to a social score was being proposed felt pretty scary to me. Also it would not surprise me if the social elements are designed on purpose to create some form of peer pressure, where people can see who is not using the app yet and try to shame them into it with the usual leftist tactics. It has been now some weeks and I didn't hear about this app again. It will be curious to see how it progress.
The second one was when I saw today a popular broker in my country advertising new margin loans for stocks, where you would have to pay lower interest if you portfolio was especially ESG friendly. To me it looks like an attempt to push the ESG crap even harder, after many people have been opting out of it so far. And it seems again pretty close to warnings about how central banks would start to be more politically involved by e.g. setting different financing conditions for different groups of people, based on their race, gender, etc.
The obvious answer to this has luckily been discussed enough times on this site: Building local bitcoin based communities, so you can transact completely outside this system.
What has been your experience so far, did you have similar things coming up in your life?