Composite standards of value will be the greatest step toward hyperbitcoinization
I found this when searching against ‘composite standards of value’:
‘A composite reference standard is a fixed rule used to make a final diagnosis based on the results of two or more tests, referred to as component tests. For each possible pattern of component test results (test profiles), a decision is made about whether it reflects presence or absence of the target disease.‘
Do you mean something like this?:
The price in satoshis for a quantity x of grade A poured concrete.
i.e. applying two widely accepted standards of value to arrive at a deduced standard of value is high in turn reduces commercial certainty which in turn unlocks economic activity away from hoarding/hodling/not investing.
No, that's not what it means. It is not a frequently discussed concept anywhere so it can be tricky to find much about it.
It is truly remarkable how many people profess to want a bitcoin standard, yet practically all too intellectually lazy to figure out how it will come about as I did. Wrote a bit about it here:
Thanks. I have much to learn!