This is a thread for random discussions that gets posted everyday at 5am central.
Tell us what you're doing today, ask questions, or vent about your life. Whatever you want, let it rip!
Yesterday French President Emanuel Macron told his people the days of abundance are coming to an end. And the most obvious question that nobody asked is why?
absolute insane rn at ⚡️PlebLab
I'm jealous >.<
Over the last few years, I've grown to hate controveries of every kind -- TV, radio, news, social media, etc. My hatred has reached the point that I'm going to start telling people "Have Fun Staying Mad [at nothing]" any time they try to drag me into a controversy. To those who are merely concerned about the Current Controversy, I'll say "Stay calm, it's all distractions."
Good day SN
Have you considered adding Algolia search capability like HN?
We have search
Random discussions, every day Make you want to jump and say "Bitcoin is great, keep the shitcoins away and cook me up breakfast like Bobby Flay"
Robert William Flay, is an American celebrity chef, restaurateur, and reality television personality. Flay is the owner and executive chef of several restaurants and franchises, including Bobby's Burger Palace, Bobby's Burgers, and Amalfi. He has worked with Food Network since 1995