Are you in conversations to MS, Sony and Nintendo to include their first ever bitcoin earning games on their consoles?
For these truly big dogs, integrating is probably a couple years out, barring a massive bull market (which always changes the sentiment towards all Bitcoin businesses massively). We are in contact with them and many other titans of the gaming industry, but at this stage it's more about letting them know we exist and getting their permission to keep them updated when we have interesting things to share. They are all keeping an eye on Bitcoin/crypto as they are aware they will have to get into it sooner or later, but the bigger they are, the more they tend to lean towards later. Which is understandable, because it is a risk for them and risk isn't something you like when you have shareholders and boards of directors to answer to for every stock dip.
Thanks. What is the budget to make a AAA game, and is Zebedee looking to make a game like that one day? Imagine a GTA game with sats as currency.