Out in the wild, there is no privacy, get used to it. Yes, do what you can but you do realize you are on 100 cams in 100 stores already right? You are not paranoid, but smart enough to spot it and understand it, sadly, very little we can do about it. I do think tho that there is a huge potential for "personal signal jammer" market :-) Imagine, you walk into the store and the cameras and/or all phones stop working... Ooops, but magically fix themselves after you leave...lol Hey, it happens all the time when the important things are happening (e.g. Epstein), why not "accidentaly/onpurpose" always... it just happens when you walk in. I know its a stretch but one can dream, can't I?
Epstein committed suicide!
It’s hard to type those letters without laughing