We all know they will use any old excuse to print more currency.
However is Toby right about a recession?
Are they going to sew all that money together into a giant parasol?
I bet that would work better than whatever their plan is.
They need to print for whatever it is, no matter what the case may be, this is just one more thing to print money for lol
Pay your dues plebs to fund my green bags
Janet Yellen doesnt seem to know much of anything. Time for her to step down so someone competent can do something. But, I am sure she isnt being affected by this inflation, so she doesnt mind if they print more.
I agree 100%
Just give me the 3 trillion and I'll fix it tomorrow. Pinky swear.
Well I'm not against fighting climate change, but do you really have to print 3T for it? No.
I'm sure they are already printing hundreds of billions to fight climate change every couple years. I wouldn't be surprised here!
3 Trillion won't be enough! They should consider printing 300 or Atleast 30 Trillion?
Meh, who's counting at this point
Bitcoin is