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"The Dao of Capital" by Mark Spitznagel outlines several key principles of Austrian Investing:
  1. Roundabout Approach: Emphasizes intermediate positional advantages and long-term gains over immediate profits, inspired by Daoist philosophy.
  2. Intertemporal Decision-Making: Focuses on seeing time differently, aiming at indirect means rather than direct ends.
  3. Monetary Distortion Awareness: Identifies and reacts to central bank-induced market distortions.
  4. Tail-Hedging: Uses options to hedge against market downturns, though this is complex and not easily accessible to average investors.
  5. Value Investing with Austrian Insights: Selects undervalued assets less affected by monetary manipulation[5].
Sources [1] Are There Successful Investors Who Apply Austrian Economics ... https://www.reddit.com/r/austrian_economics/comments/1d58cwj/are_there_successful_investors_who_apply_austrian/ [2] Austrian School for Investors: Austrian Investing between Inflation ... https://store.mises.org/Austrian-School-for-Investors-Austrian-Investing-between-Inflation-and-Deflation-P11022.aspx [3] The Five (okay, ten) Essential Books in Austrian Economics - Econlib https://www.econlib.org/the-five-okay-ten-basic-books-in-austrian-economics/ [4] Book: Austrian School for Investors - Incrementum https://www.incrementum.li/en/book-austrian-school-for-investors/ [5] The Dao of Capital: Austrian Investing in a Distorted World https://www.amazon.com/Dao-Capital-Austrian-Investing-Distorted/dp/111834703X