I don't remember the exact message when trying to convert from mint to lightning but it was something generic, and I retried for a couple of weeks and then gave up. Now when I load the app, I get the "Error: Failed to connect to a federation." So I can't try again.
I did export my wallet state, I also have my recovery phrase.
What would be the most straightforward way to recover the funds to a new wallet? First restore my mutiny wallet then withdraw to onchain address?
Update: I tried restoring using my recovery phrase, and I get "Error: Network connection closed."
When I open in "safe mode" I have 0 sats balance - assuming this is because lightning / federation balance is not visible in safe mode which is fine.
But what do I do about the funds stuck in the federation? Do I just wait and hope they come back online?
It worked for me a few weeks ago
Try again today or tomorrow
There is also a Fedi telegram group that helped me troubleshoot