I suppose the point is to enable L402 solutions for the masses, so more providers are incentivized to implement it. That’s fair, and this is the first fiat L402 solution I recall ever seeing, so I threw a few sats here to help this gain visibility after all.
Would love to see this open sourced, and to see various implementation tweaks (like a smaller initial buy-in) out in the wild.
Keep up the good work, and apologies for misspelling your name
Edit: btw @Rsync25 you should consider donating these zaps to @fewsats
@031ef7d322 you nailed it!
That's exactly why we built this service. We're still figuring out what the "ultimate L402" experience looks like, but we're certain it involves making integration dead simple for both consumers and providers. And yeah, opening up access to as many people as possible to build and use it is a big part of our vision.
As for @Rsync25, hey, he beat us to posting about our own product on Stacker News! That's pretty cool, and in our book, he has totally earned those sats. :)