Day 8 of expressing myself until I posted the interview with @plebpoet
a collection of mundane memories
  • dreaming being a ghost floating up the stairs into our apartment and through a wall into my sleeping body; then waking up
  • first math lecture in university, shouting from the back row: "I study computer science!" because I heard my future best friend complaining that she hasn't met anyone who also studies it like her yet; her being absolutely excited to have finally found someone who does; us innocently exchanging numbers in the hallway
  • almost falling through the ice of the frozen campus swamp in winter with her; making a cheeky play on words of how I broke the ice between us; one of many to come
  • being the only one of her university friends who drove all the way to her birthday party in her home town during the first winter break
  • learning how to skate with her; how she was better with ollies while I was better at riding
  • her being vulnerable in front of me for the first time by sharing that her relationship is not going well and she doesn't know what to do; me casually replying with something that I don't even remember but apparently helped her a lot because she remembered and thanked me for it half a year later
  • talking to her about how we're never going to forget the day we almost walked past the uni shop, making this a day to remember; feeling so cool that we referenced Pirates of the Caribbean and A Day To Remember at the same time
  • learning how to climb with her and effectively trusting each other with our lives
  • how every other rope team was a couple
  • Offspring concert, dancing with her and singing along Self Esteem, screaming "I'm just a sucker with no self-esteem" over the music at her; secretly describing how I felt to only be her best friend but confidently jumped into the mosh pit alone immediately afterwards in the most poetic moment of my life (hopefully only so far)
  • accidentally saying out loud that she enriches my life in a conversation in a bar; how this made her eyes light up and make cute sounds
  • nights of getting drunk together, always trying to beat that one race near the end of Need for Speed on the hardest difficulty; always almost making out
  • how I waited for her bus to arrive and finally found the courage to tell her I can't go climbing in France with her in the summer as she was so excited to do; how I told her I can't because that's too much a thing for couples and we're not; how we looked at each other with broken hearts
  • swinging on a swing on campus (before they took it down); trying to talk to friends (including her) about bitcoin for the first time
  • how she told me she never wants to talk about bitcoin ever again
  • how I still gifted her a hardware wallet because I was dumb, didn't understand why she doesn't want to talk about bitcoin ever again and didn't take her last words about bitcoin serious
  • how furious and disappointed she was that I didn't respect her wish to never talk about bitcoin again
  • crying on the couch together with her, having acknowledged we're not good for each other; realizing we both planned to switch universities so we don't have to see each other every day
  • talking to @plebpoet for the first time as if she has always been my best friend
  • writing this?
much more than mundane, I think
20 sats \ 0 replies \ @ek 6 Aug
It’s a word I learned yesterday and like; a dangerous combination since now I want to use it everywhere.