Here is what came to my mind so far 👀
  • The attached wallet If I set the desired balance to 100 sats, then I don't want this to be touched, not even zapping from it ( so no chance of showing as a freebie? ), or maybe having the option setting the zaps from the attached wallet first.
  • Login in with mail error I got errors when logging in with mail on the phone sometimes, it says either auth error or once I clicked the link to login, then it showed some random codes, and I needed to refresh the page then finally log in.
  • the comment section in bio They seem a bit useless, it's useful only when pointing out the scammers, but then they can always keep creating new profits - maybe the comments can be shown as a post instead of showing in the bio?
  • Not sure what you think of the leaderboard, but personally, I don't like it, how about going back to the old style? the one before March.
  • is photo frame possible?