We Venezuelans continue to fight for the truth and freedom of our country. Here I have compiled the most important events of August 4, 5 and 6, 2024.
The problem is no longer electoral, nor legal, nor normative, nor even political. It is a hostage situation. Tangible hostages such as political prisoners and the records. Intangible hostages such as the independence of powers and the electoral conditions. It is still a kidnapping. • • Caracol channel newscast: "It is known that Petro Gustavo's support for Nicolas Maduro's regime is due to the fact that he financed Petro's campaign with 15,000 MILLION pesos given to Benedetti from the cartel of the suns led by Diosdado Cabello
• Former Venezuelan police chief Johan Peña gave an interview in which he said that during the coup d'état on February 4, 1992, Diosdado Cabello (second in command of the dictatorship in Venezuela) did not fire a shot and urinated on himself when he was captured. In addition, on April 11, 2002, he fled with a wig disguised as a woman in an ambulance.
In addition to that, Diosdado Cabello was imprisoned for PEDOPHILE. He was brought before the courts on 12/17/1982, type of crime: Seduction of a minor, Case number B551605 and the date of the crime was 03/22/1981, place of the crime: El Furrial Maturín, Monagas state. https://m.stacker.news/44051 https://m.stacker.news/44052 These two news items are not current, but it is appropriate to know everything about those who are carrying out a coup d'état. • • Chavista and former mayor of Caracas, Juan Barreto is afraid of Maduro's dictatorship and blames him and Enrique Márquez for what may happen to it: "You are used to misleading people, to misleading people, to intimidating people." They also ask that they be transparent and show the records that they supposedly claim to have.
• Relatives of the mayor of Palo Negro, in the state of Aragua, Venezuela, Richard Granadillo, denounce his kidnapping by the dictatorship of Nicolás Maduro in Venezuela. The regime is arresting practically the entire opposition
• The families and friends of the heroes arrested by the Maduro narco-dictatorship experienced moments of pain and anguish when the mass transfers to the Yare III boarding school began. These young people were charged and imprisoned for “terrorism” just for protesting.
• The scorpion candidate José Brito went on television to show an electoral record that according to him María Corina had falsified... someone scanned the QR from the TV itself and it turns out that the guy adulterated the ballot he showed.
Jose Brito presents a certificate with the same top identifier, the same digital signature (images below) and different results to those presented by the opposition. How can we determine which one is true? The QR code on Brito's certificate shows the same result as the QR code on the opposition certificate.
https://m.stacker.news/44054 • • The person reading the report is Judy Pérez, a Chavista from Paraparal, in the municipality of Linares Alcántara, Aragua state. Her children are in the United States after leaving through Darien. She now denies the results she read and threatens to report her neighbors.
https://m.stacker.news/44056 • • Dictator Nicolás Maduro said that if the United States continues with its “madness” of imposing a Guaidó 2.0 in Venezuela, the oil and gas fields signed with them would pass into the hands of the BRICS.
• • A UCV professor, humanitarian worker and poet was detained by security forces at Maiquetía airport on Sunday at 10AM and has not been heard from since. https://m.stacker.news/44057 Edni has been missing since 10AM on Sunday, August 4, when she last called from Maiquetía.
After checking in, she told her boyfriend and a friend that the authorities notified her that there was a problem with her passport, which was supposedly “expired.”
Since then, more than 36 hours ago, his whereabouts are unknown.
Family and friends went to El Helicoide, DGCIM in Boleíta, Sebin in Plaza Venezuela, DIP Maripérez and did NOT find any report of his whereabouts.
They went to Maiquetía and did not receive notification from PNB.
A person at the airport mentioned that 2 passengers did not board the flight due to “documentation”
Why is it a forced disappearance?
Edni was detained by state agents and after 36 hours her relatives claim that they do not know her whereabouts, denying her detention.
Leaving her outside of legal protection, violating fundamental rights such as freedom and personal security.
Forced disappearances are frequently used in contexts of political repression to generate terror among victims and their families.
Forced disappearances, arbitrary detentions, torture and other systematic cruel treatment constitute crimes against humanity. Venezuela is under investigation by the International Criminal Court for these crimes.
Forced disappearances are frequently used in contexts of political repression to generate terror among victims and their families.
Forced disappearances, arbitrary detentions, torture and other systematic cruel treatment constitute crimes against humanity. Venezuela is under investigation by the International Criminal Court for these crimes.
The sad thing is that Edni's case is not unique in Venezuela.
Provea was able to corroborate at least 40 other cases of forced disappearances between July 29 and August 1.
This is after the results of the CNE and protests against them.
These serious abuses are nothing new in the electoral process.
In April, UN experts denounced an alarming increase in forced disappearances against opponents ahead of the presidential elections in Venezuela.
“They seem to follow a pattern”
We are witnessing an alarming situation that leaves victims in a more vulnerable state.
The Venezuelan State must comply with its obligations against forced disappearance:
Venezuela is a party to several human rights treaties against forced disappearances, including the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the American Convention on Human Rights.
It is also a party to the Inter-American Convention on Forced Disappearance of Persons.
"Give me back my daughter, it is not fair that a Venezuelan mother has to go through this" Testimony of the mother of human rights defender Edni López, detained last Sunday at Maiquetía airport.
• • Maduro is carrying out forced disappearances. The internist Eliézer Mora was kidnapped by the Maduro regime in Zulia. He was disappeared, and his family has no idea where he could be.
• A mother waits at the entrance of a prison of the dictatorship for her daughter who was arbitrarily detained. She has been detained for a week and has not seen her again. She has no possibility of hiring a lawyer or accessing a defense.
• Felipe Mujica, national secretary general of the Movement for Socialism (MAS), has confirmed that the election results favored Edmundo González Urrutia.
Mujica also confirmed that there was no printing of minutes in the totaling room of the National Electoral Council (CNE) and maintains that there was “manipulation” of results.
• • Bolivarian Guard, full of cowards, attacked the unarmed people of Venezuela
• • Ivan Duque: "In Venezuela, the democratic resistance led by Maria Corina and Edmundo González triumphed, so there must be a transition of power, not an annulment of the elections. The regime must not be given oxygen; the governments of Colombia, Brazil and Mexico cannot whitewash the dictator."
• • "The US clarifies that although it recognizes Edmundo González as the winner of the elections, it still does not recognize him as president. It also asks Chavismo and the opposition to negotiate a democratic transition"
Gustavo Petro (President of Colombia): "Although the US position is still unclear, the opposition and Maduro must reach a political agreement because, otherwise, an exodus and war will break out throughout the Americas
As neighbors and brother nations, Colombia and Venezuela are in an extremely vulnerable situation, and the first thing we have to defend is the people and peace.
My government does not fall into the strategy of war and the separation of peoples. The way is to seek the truth and, based on it, achieve solutions in favor of democracy."
"President Gustavo Petro The US has no ambiguity regarding the Venezuela issue". Here the spokesperson of White House says: “Edmundo González received the largest number of votes in an unsurpassable way… the will of the people must be respected.” You choose: you are with the Venezuelan people or with the dictator Maduro. Do not try to shade your true colors.
• • Chile's Chamber of Deputies approves with 70 votes in favor the support for Edmundo González as president-elect of Venezuela. https://m.stacker.news/44062 • • https://m.stacker.news/44064
https://m.stacker.news/44065 • • Maglen Marín is a heroine, a public servant who refused to obey Maduro and preferred to do justice. We need thousands of Maglen who refuse to be part of the oppression, this is the way to move towards democracy. https://m.stacker.news/44066 • • Cubans and Venezuelans in Bilbao, Spain, joined together this morning in a demonstration against the Nicolás Maduro regime in Venezuela. https://m.stacker.news/44067
https://m.stacker.news/44068 • • Venezuelans in Costa Rica raise their flag to shout to the world that WE WIN, we have FAITH and we are going to GET PAID https://m.stacker.news/44069 • • https://m.stacker.news/44070 • • The genocidal tyrant Nicolás Maduro says he will begin to regulate social media, Instagram and Tik Tok in Venezuela “for national security” since, according to him, protests against his massive fraud were organized there
• • https://m.stacker.news/44071
• • 4 Aug (earlier Kennedy's mother from outside the courts). Kennedy was deprived of his freedom without the help of his trusted lawyers who remained with his mother outside the palace denying her entry. A defenseless defender
English subtitled video • • The Nicolás Maduro regime kidnapped the mayor of Tinaquillo, in the state of Cojedes, Fernando Feo, one of the few opposition mayors. • • https://m.stacker.news/44072 • • https://m.stacker.news/44073
• • https://m.stacker.news/44074
• • Andrés Ruiz, coordinator of Vente Venezuela in the municipality of Maneiro, Nueva Esparta, was arrested by officers of the National Police along with his son and wife, who were trying to avoid arrest. https://m.stacker.news/44075 • • https://m.stacker.news/44076 • • Balance of repression (post-electoral) updated at 10:00am - 04/08/2024 988 arrests (91 teenagers) https://m.stacker.news/44077 • • Guatemalan President Bernardo Arévalo:
“Our government does not recognize Nicolás Maduro as president-elect of Venezuela, because the results presented by the CNE do not meet the minimum criteria of transparency (…) we condemn the repression.”
• • Message from Maria Corina Machado and Edmundo Gonzalez to the military:
Venezuelans, military citizens and police officials,
Venezuela and the entire world know that in the elections last July 28, our victory was overwhelming. From the humblest citizen, witness, polling station member, Armed Forces officer, police, to international organizations and governments, they know it. With the minutes in hand, the planet has seen and recognized the triumph of the democratic forces.
We have done our part. We have carried out the most formidable civic mobilization so that the electoral victory was unquestionable. It is a triumph obtained with enormous energy and firmness, and we have done it in peace. We obtained 67% of the votes, while Nicolás Maduro obtained 30%. That is the expression of the popular will. We won in all the states of the country and in almost all of the municipalities. All citizens are witnesses to this reality, including the members of Plan República.
However, Maduro refuses to recognize that he was defeated by the entire country and, in the face of legitimate protest, he has launched a brutal offensive against democratic leaders, witnesses, members of the polling station and even against the common citizen, with the absurd purpose of wanting to hide the truth and, at the same time, try to corner the winners.
We call on the conscience of the military and police to stand on the side of the people and their own families. With this massive violation of human rights, the high command aligns itself with Maduro and his vile interests. While you are represented by those people who went out to vote, by your colleagues in the National Armed Forces, by your family and friends, whose will was expressed on July 28 and you know.
We are aware that the decision not to repress citizens who peacefully demand their rights and victory is present in all components of the National Armed Forces. We Venezuelans are not enemies of the FAN. With this provision, we call on you to prevent the actions of groups organized by the Maduro leadership, a combination of military and police squads and armed groups outside the State, who beat, torture and also murder, under the protection of the evil power they represent. You can and must stop these actions immediately. We urge you to prevent the regime's rampage against the people and to respect, and ensure respect, the results of the July 28 elections. Maduro has carried out a coup d'état that contradicts the entire constitutional order and he wants to make them his accomplices.
You know that we have irrefutable proof of victory. The Carter Center report is devastating about the conditions and the electoral result, while Maduro tries to fabricate results when, in addition, the legal period for their publication has expired.
Members of the Armed Forces and the police forces, attend to your institutional duties, do not repress the people, accompany them.
Likewise, we ask all Venezuelans who have mothers, fathers, children, siblings, partners who are members of the National Armed Forces or police officials, to demand not to repress, to ignore illegal orders and to recognize Popular Sovereignty, expressed in the votes on Sunday, July 28.
The new government of the Republic, democratically elected by the Venezuelan people, offers guarantees to those who fulfill their constitutional duty. Likewise, he emphasizes that there will be no impunity. This is a commitment that we assume with every Venezuelan.
We won this election without any discussion. It was an electoral avalanche, full of energy and with an admirable, peaceful, democratic citizen organization and with irreversible results. Now it is up to all of us to respect the voice of the people. The proclamation of Edmundo González Urrutía as elected president of the Republic proceeds immediately.
Caracas, August 5, 2024 https://m.stacker.news/44078 • • Dictator Nicolás Maduro announces the ban of WhatsApp in Venezuela because according to him, freedom of expression is a THREAT to "democracy" in the country.
• • The Public Prosecutor's Office of the Venezuelan dictatorship announces that they have just opened a criminal investigation in order to imprison Maria Corina Machado and the president-elect Edmundo González Urrutia. This is very serious. They are officially going after them. https://m.stacker.news/44079
The Public Ministry of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela informs the country that as a consequence of the dissemination of a Communiqué by the former candidate Edmundo González and the citizen María Corina Machado where, outside the Constitution and the Law, they falsely announce a winner of the presidential elections other than that proclaimed by the National Electoral Council, the only body qualified to do so, and in which an open incitement is made to police and military officials to disobey the laws; has decided to open a criminal investigation into both signatories of the invalid document.
The aforementioned statement shows the alleged commission of the crimes of Usurpation of Functions, Dissemination of False Information to Cause Distress, Instigation to Disobedience of Laws, Instigation to Insurrection, Association to Commit a Crime and Conspiracy.
The Public Ministry, as the head of the criminal action, in its duty to be the guarantor of peace and stability in the country, will remain vigilant against any act that implies the generation of violence or anxiety in the population and that seeks to repeat events that They have left painful wounds on the entire Venezuelan family.
Caracas, August 5, 2024.
Tarek William Saab Attorney General of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela • • https://m.stacker.news/44081 • • Maduro's regime imprisons a woman just for writing the word "freedom" with CLAP flour.
CLAP is the Chavista program for distributing some basic inedible foods.
• • Governors from all over Colombia sign a joint statement demanding international observation and transparency in the Venezuelan elections. They will not recognize the tyrant Nicolás Maduro without the complete electoral records
• • Carmen Morillo, mother of a 16-year-old girl arrested on July 29, claims that she has not had contact with her daughter since that day.
She calls urgently for her daughter and all the young people arrested in the protests in Venezuela to be released. The situation of those arrested is worrying for the families and the community, demanding justice and transparency.
video with english subtitles • • Implosion of the Maduro dictatorship. Message to Padrino López, from his cousin Alexander Padrino Villegas: “Your duty at this historic moment is to stop the persecution and make Nicolás Maduro respect the will expressed by the Venezuelans on July 28, 2024.”
• • The Supreme Court of Justice of Chavez summons Manuel Rosales, José Luis Cartaya, Simon Calzadilla and the president-elect Edmundo Gonzalez Urrutia.
• • The tyrant Nicolás Maduro announced that he "broke relations with WhatsApp" and that this application "gave the list of Venezuelan numbers to Colombian drug trafficking." Maduro has lost all reasoning due to lack of sleep and the drugs he is consuming daily.
• • With absolute indignation we see how VTV exposes the faces of young people and teenagers who are detained and forced to apologize with the hope of being released. These humiliations of Venezuelans are part of a nefarious section that they have called “Comanditos del Terror”. Here is an example of this horror.
• • Verified arrests from July 29 to August 6 at 8am:
• • The Smolny training ship of Russia's Baltic Fleet arrived in Venezuela as part of a "working visit" amid post-election tensions in that country.
• • The UN Committee on Discrimination warns Maduro's delegates that they will have "zero tolerance" for intimidation and reprisals against NGOs and civil society, and reminds them of the State's duty to protect them.
This warning occurs at the beginning of the debate on Venezuela's periodic report to the UN Committee, today in Geneva, and takes place in an atmosphere of persecution in the country, which includes human rights or humanitarian defenders who are detained or prevented from leaving the country.
• • Antioquia Governor and Medellín Mayor Call for Demonstration in Support of Democracy in Venezuela
"In Antioquia we are not accomplices of Maduro's dictatorship," said Governor Andrés Julián Rendón accompanied by Mayor Federico Gutiérrez
• • Despite the continued calls from some of his relatives to stand on the side of the Constitution, Padrino López assures that he remains on his knees with the murderous regime and is willing to defend the coup d'état and the theft of elections:
• • Statements by the Chilean ambassador after being expelled from Venezuela: “It is clear that Maduro cannot declare himself the winner.”
• • The regime is cancelling hundreds of passports of citizens who oppose them.
It is truly pathetic and humiliating that they do this.
They are leaving Venezuelans without their most basic right, that of identity, because they do not accept their electoral defeat.
They use the State as a weapon at will. • • Reporter Elyangelica Gonzalez: A fierce attack against political leaders, witnesses, journalists and human rights defenders is underway in Venezuela.
  1. The first image corresponds to the complaint from dozens of political leaders, which we have received. We take one as a sample. There you can see the official page of the Saime (Administrative Service for Identification, Migration and Immigration) in Venezuela.
  2. In the second image, you can see how the user's data appears (which in this case we protect for the safety of the complainant)
  3. In the third image, you can clearly see when the document was delivered and then, further down, the word "cancelled." According to the complaint, several political activists, most of them young, have had their passports cancelled in the same way. In the case of the human rights defender, Edni López, she found out at the airport, when she was leaving for Buenos Aires on a scheduled trip.”
  4. In the fourth image we see that journalists are also a target of persecution, not only those who are in prison but also those who are covering the events in Venezuela. There are several cases.
  5. What you see in this image are “wild west” style posters that are shared between security forces (according to the complaint, police, investigative detectives and military) that in some cases are also shared with groups of militants so that they will denounce them, even offering a reward.
  6. The last image is in the public domain. Taken from the account of an official, he is of the highest rank in the investigative police. For those who are not Venezuelan, the “tun tun operation” is used to persecute and detain anyone who opposes the Maduro regime. It all starts with a (supposedly) citizen complaint, but in no case is there a flagrant crime (arrest at the time the alleged crime is committed) as required by law. They simply report you, look for you in your house, take you out and take you to prison, in some cases with unknown whereabouts, for days. “Tun Tun” owes its name to the onomatopoeia that suggests knocking on a door.
    • • Agents of the dictatorship have just kidnapped the coordinator of Vente Venezuela in the state of Portuguesa, Maria Oropeza, from her home. They entered by force and without a court order.
She broadcast it live on Instagram.
This happened while I was writing this post 👆 10pm Venezuela time
this territory is moderated
Who are the victims? Fiat ruins everything. Bitcoin fixes the world.
The victims are always the same... the citizens. Yes, Bitcoin solves many things but not everything.
And, even with the things it does solve, the solution is not immediate.
Thanks again for this great reporting.
Exactly. That's exactly what Maria Corina (leader of the party) wrote yesterday. She said that everything has its process and its stages, and that we must be cautious so that everything is fulfilled in an ideal manner. Many Venezuelans feel anxious and a little desperate for this to end as soon as possible. We don't want more disappointments, repression, or deprivation of liberty. We want security and a dignified life like any human being deserves. There is a feeling of uncertainty, as if it were a nightmare that never ends. On the other hand, there are negative people who only make things worse with their fatalistic comments. Ok, we must not be naive and believe that everything will end like a Disney story and that it will be a quick process without sacrifices. That would be lying. We must be realistic and not stop fighting. Thank you for reading my post.
Bitcoin doesn't solve dictatorships, don't be delusional.