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zapped ... now I'm going to read it 🤓
That's the same order I did
And you ZAP more after reading ? 🤠
Yep, since it was as good as expected.
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Those are good.
Have you ever used a decoy cash wallet? That was a travel tip I picked up from either Jim Rogers or Doug Casey. Basically, have a wallet with expired credit cards and high denomination, but low value, foreign currency. That way, if you get robbed, you have something to hand over that won't actually lose you anything.
that's a good one too! but I don't keep much money on the bank cards. 👀✌🏽 there was one time when someone riding a motorbike tried to rob me in Cambodia while I was walking, but he failed, crazy time!
bitcoin and life hacks are my favorite subjects. waiting...
I love learning and figuring out hacks, doing things the unconventional ways.