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Do not use memory for long term. Only to cross, and always have more backups somewhere.
Alternative cool way to memorize: https://www.borderwallets.com/
Also check out EasyWallet. I haven't tried it yet, but seems like a fantastic idea.
Basically, for a temporary border crossing situation where you don't want to have any evidence of a seed phrase, you set up a seed phrase with the 1 word from the BIP39 seed word list, repeated 12 times. For instance, "action action action action action action action action action action action action"
Then, using dice, you create another 7 word phrase. That will be the pass phrase. That's what you memorize - only 7 words, most people can memorize that easily.
For details and instructions check out this article: Introducing easywallet: a simple and secure brainwallet
checking 🔍 and this one is interesting.