I’ve posted in Education because I find the educational aspects of You Tube particularly valuable.
I started with You Tube back in 2007 to learn Guitar, Tai Chi and Gymnastics. Later I used it for fitness, Bitcoin, Geopolitics and Ancient History. More recently I enjoy some of the channels that discuss esotericism and spirituality.
Shout out to the Uncharted X channel which discusses questions of Science, Archeology, Engineering and Ancient History.
But which ones are your faves? 🙏
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I have always used YouTube for my own learning and that of my young children. When I started my journey in Bitcoin I didn't know who to follow, then a friend recommended the channels: a Bitcoin podcast and Bitcoin for poor people and they are really good, I recommend them.
Yeah it’s good for kids too. Despite its faults I still think YT is superior to most other platforms particularly if you can find the gold.
That's how it is my friend.
is it weird i don't know any? lol aside from the bitcoin podcasts and micro macro pods i'll go generic and just say JOE ROGAN BRO! HE'D NEVER LIE
tbh I use CASCDR and no longer really need to watch any lol saves so much time and just able to consume so much more content !
Rogan has been great. I forgot to mention podcasting but it’s been a major driver of value on You Tube.
I'll give him his credit he kills it just too mainstream for me now I still remember when it was like not a big show lol anyways yeah..waiting for him to talk more bitcoin maybe once he leaves spotify he goes to wavlake that would be wild! could happen never know