You are right on that.
I'd like to add to what you said:
Considering that just because X project exists does not mean anyone can or wants to contribute to it. Their way or your idea on how to do things may be the reason why you may have or want to go your own way and spin the same thing with just a different color.
I've seen a case of someone contributing to Umbrel, just to have the main devs reject their PR and implement their own sub-par solution. Umbrel is not as open as people think they are so I wouldn't be caught attempting to contribute.
On request from the main developer, I submitted a PR for a project to balance LN channels which I will not name and the same person took my commits and pushed it to his project as if he did the work. I would not consider contributing my time to that either.
Sometimes the best way for a set of individuals is to spin up their own thing and hope it catches up.
Having too much choice is not a real problem, having too little is.
People's creativity shouldn't be hampered by one random guy's idea of what we should and should not build. The market will decide for itself regardless of what we think.