I experienced something interesting this morning. I was getting gas at a gas station, and a younger woman comes up to me asking for my keys. She had locked her keys in her car, so she wanted to use mine to try to open her door. I told her my key is keyed for my car, which is a mazda, so it wouldnt work. She had a jeep. I then asked her, have you tried all the doors, which she promptly tries. Then I asked her if she had hidden a key somewhere on the car, a Hide-a-key. She said she didnt know what that was. I offered her my phone, which she used to call her uncle. Then I paid for my gas, went inside to get a coffee, and saw her with her uncle. I asked if she was alright, then left. End of story. What would you have done?
We are truly living through Idiocracy 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡
I didnt realize the younger generation didnt understand this. I have to say, I felt old!
Not much else that can be done. I have found my way into locked cars a few ways over the years but usually needed a tool. I have used a Saturn key to open a Honda before. On older cars, it was easier to use the wrong key on a car and get it open.
I dont carry a slim jim. Her car was a newer jeep, I dont think she realized that cars are keyed differently. Mine was an old 92 Mazda, my key definitely would not work. I was more worried she would snap my key.