Hello, thanks for the AMA.
Alby is an amazing product, now with the self-hosted Alby hub it got even better.
What are the next steps for you guys?
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A lot of things on our list, those are probably the ones happening in the very near future:
  • Pushing NWC adoption (integrating into apps, platforms & tech stacks)
  • Mobile Wallet for iOS and Android (using NWC)
  • Further improving Alby Hub for ease of use
We're also exploring some things with nostr and think about integrating nostr more deeply into our products and combining payments & identity. (e.g. nostr remote signer)
We would like to see more people using bitcoin. That's essential for its success and adoption. So getting Alby Hub in as many hands as possible is very high on our agenda.
Focusing on Alby Hub for the next months for sure. We have big plans to make it even better and smoother
I wish we could see even greater community contributions to these tools. We have plenty of ideas, but staying focused on the tools we've delivered so far might be smarter decision at the moment.
And we should prepare ourselves for growth in terms of users, that will eventually happen ;)