I think artists often fall out of love with their work once it is completed.
146 sats \ 4 replies \ @k00b OP 8 Aug
It's probably something like it being hard to enjoy a sausage once you know how it's made.
When you're obsessed with a project like this, part of the obsession is the sense that everything matters and needs to be perfect. It's a lot like body dysmorphia. In order to release it you have to accept all of its imperfections.
One thing I always loved about music as a creative outlet is you can spend a couple hours writing a song and if you like it you keep it, if you don't you scrap it and start a new one. I can't imagine enduring a 4.5 year process and being your own harshest critic along the way.
I am sure you experience some of this in long term product building. To me building a business is much different than building/designing a product.
It probably depends on the business. For software, it seems like it's always been a weird blend of art and business.
That's likely what happened to the Mutiny CEO
That makes sense.