In Venezuela we are approaching the rainy season, for that reason we are starting to see the occasional rain more and more frequently and since the city where I live is located on top of some mountains, it is common that when it rains the fog comes down and the whole city is covered in fog in a very beautiful way.
So, on this occasion I am going to share with you some photos of the city covered in fog, what all these photos have in common is that I chose the photos where no people were seen, in order to achieve a feeling of ghost town style silent hill ....
I took these photos approximately 2 days ago at 11 am, it had been raining all night and as soon as it stopped raining I saw that the fog was coming down so I grabbed my camera and went out to take pictures!
I love taking pictures when the fog is thick because it gives the whole city an air of mystery, it creates a different and ephemeral landscape.
I hope you liked these photos as much as I did!
Thanks for watching!
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The impact is even more profound since it is black n white photography!
They are excellent photos!! I have been migrating to Lima Peru for more than 7 years... but in my childhood when it was school holidays I went to a small town called Salóm, it was about 45 minutes from San Felipe, the capital of the Yaracuy State in western Venezuela... at that time It's very cold here... and the fog in the mornings is very thick... I remember that my dad, despite that, would put on light, sports clothes and go into the fog and go exercise in that intense cold... At first I didn't accompany him but then I got excited and as I jogged the cold went away and I got into the habit of doing exercises in the morning... Nowadays we all live here and my father, at 79 years old, still likes to walk and even though we are In winter in Lima and the cold is strong, he doesn't stop anyway💪
Thank you for showing the beauty of our Venezuelan land, my friend, I truly congratulate you for your work in SN.
It's beautiful.
Great Pictures again!
How about political weather in Venezuela today?