You cried and softly told me That I was treating you like a prostitute. Back then, I didn't listen to your tears, I loved you without knowing I loved you.
One sudden morning, when I woke up Without you, the world felt completely empty. That's when I realized what I had lost, And what I had gained, I also understood.
Sadness gleamed like an emerald, And happiness darkened like a cloudy dusk. I didn't know which to choose between the two— Each more beautiful than the other.
For it was a collection of jewels, That cast both light and shadow at once, That a hundredfold increased the thirst for life, But also a hundredfold summoned death.
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This one hits hard. I’ve been there, too consumed with my own path and goals to stop and see life. There must be balance in all things. You know this now. Your lesson will come again and you will be prepared.