The meaning of the word kindness has been lost, After all, all actions are with a purpose these days. "Yes, friend, I will help you in full... And you will make concessions to me."
To take another's kindness, Oh, I must be rich. For at least one person's help, You will give, at least two.
Oh, yes, I am seriously frightened by it. After all, in our time, kindness, Emanates from everyone at lightning speed, And it is sincere, only sometimes.
Everyone obsessively shoves it in, Without thinking - you need it. But knowing that now it is theirs, They will take from you in full.
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Life is transactional on so many levels. I hope that more of us come to understand this and be better about recognizing kindness can be weaponized. Thank you for sharing this insight. I hope I can remember to have gratitude for being able to help someone, instead of seeding expectations for my help.
๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘very insightful!