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This is a thread for random discussions that gets posted everyday at 5am central.
Tell us what you're doing today, ask questions, or vent about your life. Whatever you want, let it rip!
TIL: In Strike app in the default view when you swipe right, QR scanner shows up immediately.
In Denmark they just passed a law to cap rent price increases at 4% over the next two years. This is in response to a term in the contract that raises rent in accordance with the danish equivalent of CPI. This year the rent in these contracts are slated to rise about 10%. Good news for the landlords who had the foresight to put this in the contract, bad news for the people who signed these contracts. But now the politicians have changed them and landlords may only raise rent 4% each year for the next two years.
This is why i say buy bitcoin, its decentralized and there is no cap on the price increase. slightly /s
I imagine this may put-off some people renting out some of their secondary residences also - thereby increasing rents & exacerbating inflation due to under supply - reverse side effects.
This among other arguments were laid out by the opposition and laid out in national news before the vote but the current administration seems drunk on power so they dont listen to arguments and common sense it seems :)
Hey @k00b just a thought on UI - the "more" button at the bottom makes it hard to scroll through historical posts (which is a great use of forums IMO).
Have you considered a page number system or something similar? It is a testament to the power of this site that already in its short history I want to scroll through older posts. Thanks for all your hard work!
Just trying to understand what you'd like to accomplish, or the problem you're having, more: you'd like to save your place as you scroll into the past? For when you come back later?
We have some plans to rework 'top' so that you can look at 'top' content historically (like can navigate to a specific day and see what was top), which might solve this problem, but I'm wondering if you're looking for something more.
The "back" collapse issue is part of my issue but I figured that was already on your radar. The "more" button is great for a quick visit or search. But forums are a source of historical research and I trust and hope this will grow much bigger. So if 2 years from now I want to search for "nostr", how many times do you want me to click "more" to get to the beginning? Does that make sense?
Oh I see! You want selectively navigate to periods in history. If we have 1 million pages, you want to be able to click to halfway through - like you would on a more trad forum.
I'll think about this more. Perhaps the feature I was describing with historical 'top' can somehow be more generic.
Bingo. And more broadly, food for thought: So much of the web, even entire forums have just vanished, which is a big part of the censorship agenda. We are going to have a pretty good collection of ideas here, so censorship resistance is a good thing to think about. A topic for a different day perhaps.
Keep up the great work, thank you!
I think about this a lot. It's one of my big problems I'm regularly thinking about solutions to. Decentralization of some form will be the ticket, but there's so many forms that can take.
Thanks for bringing my attention to both of these!
relevant: My issue on phone is if I click "more" and then e.g. open post #40 and then click "back", the list is again collapsed to only 21 items. I'd expect to be able to go "back" to the exact state I was in before.
This is on my 'priority' todo list ... just tricky with SSR, but doable either with 'pages' or something fancier with conditional CSR.
proposed: put CSW as the default avatar on April 1st
Sold a channel on magma on amboss.space had issues from the start. But recently the buyer closed the channel I sold them then opened a new channel. I go to try and sell another channel and Iā€™m locked out! Banned! Got to contact technical support which is telegram. Which I am doing but this experience has been not so fun.
The Monero Shill account when he thinks he's a provocative troll but actually nobody cares:
I am not a console peasant
so the rest is accurate šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚
Today i ve started to watch Surfin' Bitcoin conference: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChfepkLjWJzSW16QArGYxWg
And it will be a full week as the videos are a few hours :)
thanks dude, did not know they was streaming it online āœŒļø
150 sats \ 1 reply \ @ken 29 Aug 2022
Thanks @k00b for passing the mic Writing rhymes is easy, like riding a bike Coinbase or Gemini, Swan or Strike I don't really care, it's the Bitcoin I like!