I frequently throw my hands up in the air as well, and I rationalize it because human ingenuity and grit are mostly undefeated. The problem is that most productive people aren't interested in nation state politics, but it's actively interested in productive people (sorry for the cliche), and that's a dwindling subset of the population. Was nation state politics a waste of time in Russia in 1917? Do we really want to risk going down that road again?
The problem is that once the monetary system has been hijacked, the people lose their power on the elected officials. At the end of the day, the people wil be left with fighting for their socioeconomic freedoms, and time and lives are being wasted in the process. And, also, most of the citizens get to lose their ability to think for themselves at the individual levels; everything gets to be done collectively. That's dangerous, imo. So long as the some group of people get to control the money, imo, nation-state politics is a total waste of time, and resources.
Do wonder how my life would have been had I not discovered Bitcoin and Bitcoiners. The best form of politics is family. And, Bitcoin is an excellent tool to help live a better life, free from outside (i.e., the so-called political class) influence.