Yes, saying it that way seems like a good argument, but unlike Venezuela, the United States has freedom of expression, they don't block social networks and chat channels, they haven't censored TV shows, they haven't closed TV channels, they haven't expropriated newspapers, the country hasn't lost 20% of the population to mass emigration, on the contrary, it is the immigrants who continue wanting to invade the United States for the thousand opportunities and benefits it offers. The United States is not at its best like a few decades ago, but it is never and never at the same level as Venezuela, so in that sense Maduro's criteria is nullified. In addition to the fact that Maduro's fraud is too obvious, the results are on the web in a PUBLIC manner, so that anyone from any country can see them, but the only one who denies the legitimate result is him and his regime, not to mention the oppression and kidnapping of citizens. In the United States, you can stand in the middle of any street with a sign saying that you are against Biden and no police or national guard will come to take your life. Maduro does not know where to seek shelter and can no longer find arguments that could be valid. I really liked that you showed me that article, I had not seen it, if you find others do not hesitate to comment. Thanks
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