pull down to refresh

  i = "!f(){ git init && git commit -m 'initial commit' --allow-empty; };f"
  s = status -sb
  l = log -10 --oneline
  rl = reflog -10
  cb = checkout -b
  b = branch
  bd = branch -d
  ch  = "!f(){ git checkout --quiet \"$1\" && git status; };f"
  a = add
  aa = "!f(){ git add --all && git status; };f"
  co = commit
  oc = commit
  f = fetch
  d = diff
  ds = diff --staged
  pr = pull --rebase
  rbi = rebase --autosquash -i
  ca = commit --amend
  r = reset
  excl = "!f(){ [ ! -z \"$1\" ] && echo \"$1\" >> .git/info/exclude; };f" # TODO: support multiple arguments with shift
  readd = "!git diff --staged --name-only | xargs git add"
  rd = "readd"
  fixup = commit --fixup
I especially like the common typo oc for co