On the chance your question is genuine, I will provide one opinion:
Freedom is the ability to navigate life uninterrupted by rent-seeking middle men and authoritarian fetishists. Nosy neighbors. Karens. Cops. Feds. Regulators. Lawyers. Permits. Code enforcement. Taxation. Just to name a few- the list is much longer and specific to the individual.
Some people enjoy all those things- more power to them. They can live their life uninterrupted by me and my silly ideas.
Let me return a question to you. You only have so many hours on this earth. What is an appropriate amount of them to devote to paperwork and bureaucracy? At what point would you feel you were just being dicked around?
From my perspective, if you don’t want to be burdened by those things you mentioned, you should be able to opt-out if the system. If you don’t want to deal with taxation, or codes, or nosy neighbors - you should be able to forsake the public social and infrastructure benefits that come from the society you are opting out of, in exchange for not having to pay taxes to service those resources.
Sadly, the current nation state doesn’t allow people to opt out like that.
You will never have freedom from authority so long as you live with humans. Authority in one way or another. Human nature.