Even since the launch of territories last December, I have been perplexed about just what compels so many individuals of varying backgrounds to jump off the edge and into the uncharted waters? I pondered about it here. Why do Stacker founders embark on a loss-making endeavour and resolve to pump in their time and energy to make it worthwhile (and hopefully profitable)?
So, I was reading Success Built to Last, and this page created an a-ha moment for me:
It turned out that I have been immersed too long in the dirty fiat mindset that I constantly fail to consider other things that matter. I need to upgrade my thinking and shift it from a money to a meaning mindset.
Territory founders kickstart their territory because they want to imbue their lives with meaning and create something that is bigger than themselves. Some of them, such as @AGORA, have visions of businesses and individuals leveraging the LN more prevalently than is the case now - and want to play a part in contributing to its fruition. Others, such as @Public_N_M_E and @TNStacker, are simply passionate about their subject matter and wish to provide an avenue that enables others to have a safe space to showcase their common passion. When you are tethered to a purposeful pursuit, money loses its grip on you.
Additionally, SN empowers people to take action. Pay 100k and your chosen territory is yours for a month. You are paying rent, but you still have more control than if you choose to build your brand with Medium and Google Adsense and adhere to their many hoops and rules. Taking action is preference because you gain experience. If you chew the morsels of wisdom from your experience, you’ll hone your foresight, which will help you in your future endeavours.
Now that my eyes have been opened, I am wondering just what meaning I care enough about such that I am willing to brave through obstacles for it. Maybe I will have an epiphany some time soon, lol.
Some happy sats go to @carloschida, our newest territory founder on board.
Thank you so much for the mention and the sats!
What came to my mind when creating the Mexico territory was that a lot of good content is still being posted in Reddit, but unluckily that place is turning quickly as woke as the opening ceremony of the current Olympic Games.
Also, I’m currently in Austin sorrounded by the people at PlebLab which are all super based. Back in Acapulco I don’t have that experience everyday. Sometimes I’d like to discuss topics for which you’d need to be well-versed the latest happenings in Mexico: how the president’s whim to build a refinery is a blessing (in disguise) while his new train track is a failure, how absurd electricity prices are in the country and what we could do about them, or how yet another famous person from the state of Jalisco turned out to be gay.
(That last one actually comes from the running gag that all men born in Jalisco, like my co-founder, are gay… I hope he reads this message… And serves as an example of the kind of banter that I just don’t feel explaining to non-Mexicans unless they specifically ask.)
Then, I believe that @k00b nailed it with the name. When he first told me ‘you can claim a territory’ something clicked in me: we are territorial beings, particularly men, and the lineage of Spanish conquistadores that composes most of my DNA made me straighten my spine, pull out my chest, look at the horizon and say ‘I’m gonna claim some territory.’
So, going back to the diagram, that’s the meaning and the thought for me… Possibly quite entangled.
Now, as for the action… I’ve always been the kind of bloke that when he sees something meme-able and relatable, he’s just gonna listen to the reptilian side of his brain and go for it.
I envision many more specialised territories in SN as more and more people abandon the wokeness of the competition.
Awesome 👏🏼 you are my favorite conquistador. LOL about Jalisco
What’s the meaning of conquistador? I mean, I can Google, but I’d rather see how you explain it
oh I myself have an elementary understanding, but they belong to the history of America as first explorers and conquerors
Exactly right.
‘Conquistador’ should be translated in most context as conqueror since they stem from the same root.
Nonetheless, I think that some English speakers find the Spanish version fashionable or distinguishable to the Spanish conquerors/settlers in particular.
Thank you for such a detailed explanation of your motivations. Lol particularly at the inside joke about how all men from Jalisco are gay. This is the kind of stuff one can’t get elsewhere!
Support the things you want to see in the world or don't be surprised when they die.
TBH, I don't think too much about from which territory I should consume content from. Most of what I read comes from my daily feed. There can always be good content from any territory.
Talking about the model of territory, it's cool. Sub-territories would be super cool in future!
That’s true. Care about the content first
I love SN because there are a lot of brilliant people hanging around here and because you can talk about whatever you want without fear of being censored.
personally why it matters to me Stacker News provides an alternative to mainstream news sources. For those seeking a more decentralized, transparent, and potentially less biased news source, it offers a different approach to accessing and sharing news.
I don’t really care about territory, rewards, and anything here. I just sign up my account on StackerNews to connect and interact with other plebs all around the world, also i realized people more open minded here. Thank you for sharing
This is sad, but I only just now got the meaning of @Public_N_M_E's name.
Okay I don’t know. Tell me!
lol you are a little slow...
Great post and thanks for the mention!
Will organise more bounties there!
The best way I can summarize how I feel about it is “be the change you want to see in the world”
I have always loved this quote by Gandhi
When you are tethered to a purposeful pursuit, money loses its grip on you.
Great post!!
Thanks for picking up your favourite line!
I think SN is a medium that allows us to stay informed, awake and reminds us why we started this path called Bitcoin.
Always stay WOKE
I'm new but I can confirm that such platforms are necessary in current world scenario.
I feel really proud to be a member of this wonderful community. The developers are super people.
Support what you believe to be true and works and realistic.
I wonder which territories will be successful in the long run. Maybe you should make one for asia or english/teaching?
Good one! If I'm to start a territory, I'll just buy it for lifetime. I know myself. If I rent it for one or two months, I'll most probably leave it in between. 3 Million Sats aren't that big a deal! They aren't for a lifetime warranty of free speech?
285 sats \ 1 reply \ @orthwyrm 10 Aug
deleted by author
I love the analogy of the porridge. Reminds me of Goldilocks