I set myself a goal of reducing my photos to 2300 this long weekend.
Attained that and set the bar higher - gonna reduce it to 2200 photos.
Now, I have 2218 photos on my phone. This explains why I’m on fire busily converting my photos into zaps here ⚡️.
Actually, I think I’m gonna make losses for some of my posts because uploading photos costs a lot of money.
But I frame it as supporting the territory founders whom I consider my friends.
Most importantly, I feel alive because endorphins just rush over me every time I manage to post a photo and delete it on my phone.
Thanks for reminding! My phone is so full of photos, i need to clean them for hours, yet I won't come closer to your goals!
Good exercise! I have already checked after you mentioned. Almost 3000 in my phone only. I have to try reducing them, especially those which are rubbish.
This is a real tough goal, buddy! You gotta achieve it. Nothing less is expected from you! 😜
You set some classical goals! Amazing!