England offers a small glimpse into the future for us continental Europeans too. that's what it all boils down to, that's the ambition of the eussr officials. nobody can deny that anymore since they openly attack platforms like Twitter and suppress free speech wherever they can
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I'm a Chinese American who grew up in both U.S. and Asia. From what I can see, the biggest problem is that (white) westerners cannot talk rationally about any race-adjacent issues. For example, immigration cannot be debated healthily because one side will always get called racist. Same with other issues like social welfare, education policy. Basically everything now. There can be no compromise or moving forward on issues if one side is perceived to be motivated by racial animus.
the phenomenon is extremely pronounced in Germany in particular due to its history. the left uses every opportunity to discredit even conservative political positions in this way and to take them back into the radical right-wing corner. this is not how we experience discursive progress
Tyranny is afoot