...they are giving themselves the opportunity to organize their thoughts, refine them, and formulate them accurately and reasonably.
Far too many do not take the time or make the effort to take this opportunity to actually organize thoughts. I think social media, like X makes this better for some, but worse for others. Some use the character limits to better organize while others use it as an excuse to just spew.
I think it is self-evident the effort you take to write, @Nadia, ads great value to SN.
People just have diarrhea of the mind on social media. I feel people put more thought into posts here. And most of the comments arent garbage, even though I dont agree with some. @Nadia writing is always a pleasure to read and digest!
Thank you! I’m trying to do my best. Not having English as my primary language, make things more difficult for me, but I try to express my thoughts.