All profiles have a pure black wallpaper, and the home screen has no icons, folders or widgets (except on the Decoy Profile). To access an app, I simply scroll up and open it from the default drawer, which displays all installed apps on that profile. This approach saves battery life and adds a slight bit of privacy.
Can you elaborate on the battery life savings with this approach? Is it because of the black background only, or does not having icons, folders, and widgets also save battery? My guess is an all black screen with no other colors takes less energy to drive? Is that the idea?
Depends on screen type. OLED screens can shut off #000000 pixels which does save some battery, but its negligible.
That article is comparing black versus gray. If we're discussing a pure black home screen with no icons, folders, or widgets versus a home screen with a colorful wallpaper and bright icons, folders, and widgets, the difference in battery savings is actually massive.