Ok, you line of thinking makes sense. You are using a very limited definition of the term. This is far more expansive than the definition you give and it is an actual legal definition.
Fediciary responsibility means you act for the client first. This means they are legally responsible to meet the expectations you describe.
The point I have tried to make is our point is the same if you use the fuller definition.
this territory is moderated
It's a bit like how treason is only treason if your side loses.
Not in my book. Treason is treason. It has a legal definition independent of your opinion and mine.
You're talking politics and who gets caught by which side. It is real, but it is B. S. Treason is treason.
You get the sense in which I mean that, though. Many people play the results, rather than the process.
I do, but I think we have to be clearer with our language in this age.