It became politicized on the left from what I see, I guess it's just another tool of the deep state, my question was because I don't really have that much information about said agency
thanks for your info.
Sorry. I read your question again
FBI is extremely corrupt
The leadership is bought and paid for
There are some agents who have integrity but they don’t run the agency
Who or who are the visible leaders of the FBI right now?
Wray, McCabe and Comey were awful. Wray is the current director.
Mueller b/c director during or after 9-11.
Its not just the FBI that is corrupt, or else the corruption would be squeezed out of existance. All of the agencies have corruption, that is why it is allowed everywhere. A blind eye towards everything that it entails.
A corrupt agency should be dismantled especially law enforcement
What’s the point otherwise
Everyone does it is not a compelling reason for existence
I realize, but if everyone is corrupt, who will bring them down?
Appoint a special prosecutor
haha One that isnt corrupt?
US attorney who has been confirmed by senate
There are 93 such attorneys
Wasnt Judge Thomas also approved by them?