"Unfortunately, Canada is hamstrung by a poor policy environment for business growth, including an antiquated tax system that defies understanding even by the most skilled tax accountants, complex and inefficient regulatory processes affecting many industries, internal trade barriers that fragment the domestic market, heavy direct government involvement in multiple sectors of the economy, and a federal government that seemingly lacks interest in doing much to improve the efficiency and productivity of the national economy."
One of my closest friends is a CFO for a small cap public company. He has said dealing with the CRA on some of these esoteric tax rules is by far the worst part of his job.
Internal trade barriers? Good lord, Canada.
Prediction: Eventually most corporations will incorporate in Russia :)
Its an independent nation that understand the importance of a sound economy.
"they should avoid taking steps that will spur a further exodus of successful Canadian companies and our most talented people." Not just Canada, all countries should work hard to keep their experience in their own country, so that they can build up from there. Once the experience goes, you have nothing left.