More like if US govt collapses its citizens will become slaves under a Chinese hegemony but hey gotta have your escapist fantasies as Western civilisation is crumbling around you?
BTW well written and beautifully provocative!
ha, I've said the same
forgive me though, sometimes you have to deal with one nonsense idea at a time or things get too convoluted
55 sats \ 19 replies \ @k00b 12 Aug
Oh heyyyyyyy ... Congrats on your first BM short!
75 sats \ 18 replies \ @k00b 12 Aug
Very well written and sure to trigger some folks. I love the spirit in it.
I can't wait to read more fiction like this. Fiction that isn't about bitcoin but around bitcoin, with all the diversity of morals and pov that exist outside of bitcoin.
thanks koob
the vast majority of the world is too cognizant of what abuse looks like to find this triggering
the ones triggered by it, i can only take their dislike as a compliment, coming from them
there are bubbles that self-isolate themselves cult-style into irrelevancy with codified abuse and bad ideas
self-correcting problem really
the rest of the world is much, much brighter :)
the vast majority of the world is too cognizant of what abuse looks like to find this triggering
Tbf I think what's triggering, if it is triggering, is the subtle implication that abuse may be what trad bitcoiners/people are advocating, because I would guess they aren't. Still, I think the surprise abuse is what gives the story leverage.
yeah..... everything in that story is 1) things bitcoiners have actually said to me or to others ad nauseam and 2) gotten angry at me for pointing out how dysfunctional it is. No point arguing it, so let me just show it all put together into one coherent picture of what they say they want. And again, let me not have my character argue, just walk away. It's just how it'll play out under bitcoin and sovereignty.
Side note, most socialists are "not advocating" for theft, but they ARE. A rose by any other name and such. In bitcoin, it's not that they aren't advocating abuse, it's that they don't know they are.
When they advocate for the things I've put in that story, and they DO, they advocate for abuse. Classic, take-a-list-and-check-mark-it, abuse. Isolation, condescension, control, gaslighting, name calling, demeaning someone, infantilization, telling someone what they feel, telling someone what they want, fearing for one's life, taking away what one loves doing, triangulation, preventing education, etc etc.
I just don't understand why it's 'surprise abuse' when it's so glaringly obvious. The surprising thing is why is it believed Bitcoin will bring about this dynamic when it's so clear it will make this dynamic harder to pull off. :) :)
What's not surprising is that some of these men would hate this as much as governments hate losing power over people. What's not surprising is when they lash out to try to stop it. The attempt to codify it into a lifestyle is, I suppose, this backlash, analogous to governments and citizens.
Happily, it's not going to sell well.
Note I point out you can still have a healthy, happy family without this stuff. :) Healthy family is what's most important. And this stuff destroys that.
Side note, most socialists are "not advocating" for theft, but they ARE.
Where socialism is theft, it's nonconsensual. Where trad is abuse, it's nonconsensual.
The devil is non-consent not the system people might volunteer to organize themselves under.
Codifying and negotiating the sacrifices we make to trade for the sacrifices of someone else, or others, is not necessarily abusive. I imagine the steelman of trad is that it's, vaguely, consensual gender specialization premised on some belief about gender nature/competence/role. It may be a shitty relationship blueprint, but it's just a blueprint, which isn't abusive imo even if there's some presumption of consensual non-consent.
If I had to guess why trad is popular, why men aren't dating or "manning" up, and family formation is down, I'd say it's because opposing tradition doesn't imply a working alternative anymore than anarchy, on its own, implies an alternative to governments.
I see what you're saying, and I appreciate the thoughtfulness and the steelmanning, but I would argue that poison taken by consent will still poison a person.
"Isolation, condescension, control, gaslighting, name calling, demeaning someone, infantilization, telling someone what they feel, telling someone what they want, fearing for one's life, taking away what one loves doing, triangulation, preventing education"
These things are poisonous to human souls. They simply ARE. Even consented to, although I would argue that the vast majority of time the manipulation is so severe that it can not be called true consent.
The only time I could even conceptualize of these things NOT being poisonous to a human soul would be during some kind of kinky role play that is therapeutic to a person in some way. Personally I don't comprehend it, but I've certainly heard people say it's a very real thing, and on some level it makes sense.
The difference then though is that the second the sub says "I'm no longer ok with this", it INSTANTLY stops, period, for good. It's a game, a role play.
In these relationships, what would happen if the wife said, "I'm not into this anymore, I'd like to stop?" Is that even an option? If not, the possibility of true consent is not really there.
Socrates consented to drink his own poison, did he not? It was still an execution.
And the kids born into this shitty relationship blueprint do not consent.
I think trad is popular because traditional nuclear families are extremely valuable... although I'm not sure that's the natural way of things. I've known too many families from asian villages, and the importance of extended family cannot be overstated. Another topic. But I suspect THAT is what our souls really long for, and it's very traditional.
I do appreciate the point about anarchy.
Trad/redpill/frame.... these aren't traditional relationships anyway. They're 1950s vacuum advertising larping codifying abuse. Something completely different, attractive because it's masquerading as the healthy real thing.
20 sats \ 12 replies \ @k00b 14 Aug
I would argue that poison taken by consent will still poison a person.
We'd both argue that, but I wouldn't call the poison maker an abuser.

I appreciate the fair dialog. Beyond semantics and personal biases, we probably agree enough. I take trad to mean tradition, not whatever its social media rebrand is, but we probably both agree that good, non-abusive, consensual tradition is good.
I think trad is popular because traditional nuclear families are extremely valuable... although I'm not sure that's the natural way of things.
This is a really important point. There may be other family philosophies that produce stable families, but they aren't well articulated and certainly aren't being practiced much.
To be completely honest, and I only mean to share my experience even if it's ill-conceived, most of what appears erected in the place of traditional families is incoherent and unstable. As a man, I feel as if men are given trad responsibilities and expectations while being expected to give female partners modern responsibilities and expectations (which is to say practically none) else the man is a controlling abuser. Meanwhile, a woman maintaining traditional expectations of men is just her being discerning.
It's no wonder to me why most men aren't lining up for that which is why I think there's something valid going on in the trad movement. The next best alternative for men, if the sacrifices they're expected to make in relationships aren't reciprocated, is to make no sacrifices at all and outsource their needs to the market.
Go where you(and your money) are treated best!
delightful idea, isn't it!
We need to vote with our feet if Kamala wins!
god, moving is such a pain in the ass
Very well written. Love it. Story is good.
thank you
thank you