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My terse response to people during Covid when people asked me about it was,
"I just do not trust liars"
I know that's kinda crazy but once someone lies to me I just can't take anything they say at face value. I do not understand how people can be lied to over and over again by authority figures and still seem to trust them. It something that seriously makes me question the IQ of most people.
This is also a good way to short circuit red|blue team nonsense with friends. If you know how both sides have lied you can get the topic changed really quick. Unless you enjoy hearing people parrot talking points this is a good skill to have.
this territory is moderated
Or put another way, do not trust the government.
Many are allergic to that phrase.
There are a lot of sheep in the world.
I believe it's the majority. Another flaw with Democracy.
The problem is that people dont know how to think for themselves.