I 50% agree with the consensus here:
  • Agree: Women's behavior is Not a bug, it's a Feature. You are the product of several hundred generations of women aggresively exploring and picking their best option. Just as you're the product of several hundred generations of men persevering and innovating. You need to learn to fit into this inexorable facet of life.
  • Disagree: I think many posters here misunderstand how dramatically the field has tilted in gender relations for people under 25, especially with social media / online dating. The level of mis-match is civilizational threatening and is not salvageable from a bottom-up exhortation to "man up". Where we go from here is an open question, but telling some young 20's kid to "stack sats" is not it.
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A feature huh? I get that women are selective, but negating the vast majority of man, while simultaneously stating that every woman is deserving of love and a good husband, no matter how ugly, unhealthy and unkept she is? That's blatant Cherry-Picking.
I get that it was necessary back then, other dynamics, other reality: the village / tribe / group often depended on the men to make things right again whenever something happened, but that's not how today's world works.
I'm with ya on the second part, though.