Helm is a Liquid wallet that uses Boltz submarine
Are you the dev? It looks nice....basically like AQUA but as a PWA?
By the way, AQUA recently dropped fees to 40 sats min (Helm is still using 1000 sats). I believe this is result of an upgrade on Liquid network that allowed minimum txn fee to go much lower.
The 1000 sat min was always the thing keeping me from using AQUA as much as Green...but now with a 40sat minimum I may just stick with AQUA. (Green does have desktop wallet which is last remaining sticking point).
I sometimes use side swap for pegging but 40 is very low fee on Aqua
Yes, I'm the dev.
Yes, it's like AQUA but focused on simplicity, so no altcoins.
Yes, it's a PWA, which means it's immune to app store censorship.
There's no server involved, you can run it on your own computer.
You can use Tor for extra privacy.
The 1000 sats as minimum amount for swap is a constraint from Boltz.
Helm also inherits the 0.01 sats/vbyte the Boltz is trying on Liquid, so Helm have the exact same fees as AQUA.