Is Voltage a good option for regular lightning enthusiast plebs or more for apps and business and services like Zero Fee Routing.
I love the idea of having a LN node and having it remote and plug and play but wondering if it is overkill for a regular average small volume low liquidity user just starting out.
Also when CLN?
We definitely have a lot of lightning enthusiasts that use us. Some advantages are the remote node (can move around freely), low cost to get started, and instant setup. So if you just want to play around with Lightning we are still a good solution for that. However a lot of efforts are put toward the business use case. These will converge over time however. (Think easy, medium, hard modes of the same platform) You can run a lightning node on Voltage for $12 a month and when you want to move to a several hundred dollar node at home you can.
CLN is in progress. So much to do so it takes a while, but its definitely being worked on and in progress.
Thanks man! 👊🏻
In general do you think it could still be useful if I already have an Umbrel LN node at home?
I know it totally depends on my specific use case and intentions etc.