A recent study potentially casts doubts on the likelihood of humanity discovering technologically advanced extraterrestrial civilizations.
The research, co-authored by eminent astronomer Dr. David Kipping and astrophysicist Dr. Geraint Lewis, argues that the odds of uncovering an advanced alien race are remarkably low due to a narrow detection window determined by the unknown rates at which these civilizations emerge and vanish.
I wonder how many times bitcoin has been invented by civilizations that are long gone...
Interesting question.
I believe that Bitcoin is destined to be born in all tyrannical and Orwellian civilizations.
Bitcoin could be a Great Filter, civilizations either solve the problem of fairly exchanging value between beings, or they die.
That is a very interesting take!
Personally, I have always liked to look at stars... I have a basic telescope that was unused in my late uncle's room... I like to observe after midnight when the children are already asleep... I mean by this that sometimes opportunity I have seen things other than stars or planets in the sky... but I am not very knowledgeable about identifying what they are! But I am sure that we are not alone in the world, there is always something more to discover... and that at any moment it can surprise us...