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The ads include links to real articles from the outlets, however the headlines and supporting text were altered.
Meanwhile, according to Google's ad transparency center, the Trump campaign isn't running these types of ads- and says that because ads on Search are prominently labeled as "Sponsored," they're "easily distinguishable from Search results."
And Google comes up to support the shit.
The campaign (Harris's) has complied with all of Google's rules, although a technical glitch in Google's Ad Library made it appear as though some ads lacked the necessary disclosures Google requires when they ran.
WTF is this! Never ever witnessed such things happened in the past. Tyler, my man rightly concludes...
A candidate so good they have to deceive voters...
I think Google is lying here. Harris's Campaign is lying here. The Corporate MSM is lying here. It seems all liars are gathered for a party tonight.
What do you guys Say?
Sats for all!!
this territory is moderated
Very funny! These Dems, MSMs and Google all think that they can fool people so easily now. Everyone knows that a glitch story is just made to cover Harris's image. It'll be more fun to listen what Trump has to say on this!
Google seems to be favouring Dems at the moment.
I thought Kamala and her staff can’t fall any lower than faking crowds using AI, but she still managed to “exceed” expectations… dayum!
May be she surprises us with more quality faking!
Why are they wasting time with these kind of antics? Just state your position and keep it an honest race.
Politics and honesty sit on two different poles.
Dont the honest ones do better in the long run?
Yes, they should fo. But, who's more honest according to you? Trump or Harris? Or, who's a bigger liar?
Eventually it is going to come out. Look at all of trumps lies that have come out.
Yes. Well, I think politics in itself has become a tradeoff because of liars liars everywhere.
that is hilarious but lets see who gets the last laugh
In elections it's Trump who is well positioned as of now, but in lying Harris seems to be winning between the two. Previously, Trump was ahead when he made fake promises of eradicating US debt with the help of Bitcoin.