Hey Alex! Thanks for this. I'm definitely hellbent on home mining and encouraging others to do so too. Here's my fear-mongering rant on the subject if you have a minute - #629837.
Quick question about s9s though. I've now burnt out my second hash board/power cable combo. It's the middle hash board in the picture if you zoom in. Is this common? I only ask because everywhere I look (including Kaboom Racks), no one seems to be selling replacement cables, despite all of these other replacement parts. Am I just riding these miners too hard? The first time, it was an s9k using the original software, but this one was an s9i using Braiins.
Truth be told, my goal this winter or next (depending on budget) is to try to get something beefier and integrate into the water heater or HVAC. I want to get to the point where I help other people do this too. Again, this is more because of the seemingly asleep-at-the-wheel-about-centralization-risks attitude I mention in that other post. I'd be REALLY curious about your thoughts though.