Yes, it’s next on my list.
However, since we don’t want to store spending permissions on the server where we coordinate receiving and NWC uses the same connection string for both, this might get tricky.
Receiving with WebLN will also be tricky since it’s not available on the server.
Where do you store the spend key for LNBits? If not on the server then presumably on the client -- or encrypted on the server in a blob which gets downloaded/decrypted by the client. Whatever you do for lnbits, you can probably do the same for NWC
115 sats \ 1 reply \ @k00b OP 14 Aug
Yep, we can use a different NWC string for each sending/receiving.
Ah, I didn't realize that the permissions can be configured per string by the wallet (at least Alby does that) even though it's not mentioned in the spec:
edit: Oh, I forgot that the info event is per connection string, not per wallet. Then it makes sense that you're supposed to declare what this connection allows with it.