I don't care if other people don't accept so-called "tainted" coins, Any totalitarian government can completely ban bitcoin and not accept any bitcoins - that doesn't make it non-fungible. If I give you 1 bitcoin, and you give me 1 bitcoin, we both still have 1 bitcoin, according to the code. That's all bitcoin is - code. The code doesn't recognize "tainted coins" - Bitcoin, the protocol, is fungible.
If I gave you a gold coin today from a pirate treasure from 500 years ago, would you care if that coin was stolen by the pirates? No, you wouldn't. Maybe 500 years ago it was a "tainted" coin but today, that coin is worth a pretty penny, because gold is also quite fungible.
Also, $3000 for an antminer might be expensive to most, but with that one is able to mine bitcoin efficiently and have a higher chance of finding a block / getting a reward from a mining pool. You can mine bitcoin with a pencil and paper if you want - that is true decentralization. Anyone can mine bitcoin, with an old usb miner, or with a warehouse filled with 10,000 antminers - and everything inbetween. Bitcoin wasn't created to fix wealth inequality.
Why are you here to shill monero? I don't go to monero forums to shill bitcoin. In fact, I don't think I need to shill bitcoin at all - it shills itself. If monero will be as successful as you seem to believe it will be, you shouldn't have to shill it - you should be working and buying as much of it as you can and saving it all for yourself. So why aren't you doing that?