In reality, from what I have been able to read, the monopolies of pharmacies or pharmacies here in Peru are from the private sector... but it is surprising how many establishments they have nationwide... in addition to that, being a chain of businesses they pay a very complete amount of tributes or taxes to the state... we would say that in this way they would have the capacity to move influences in the high spheres and avoid supervision or inspection by the government... thus giving them good impunity... and in that way manage the prices and quantities as they want and when they want!!! and that is bad since we are talking about products that are for the benefit of people's health! At least I think about it that way, now the beer monopoly is total. I very much doubt that any different brand that wants to improvise that wants to start in the beer market can emerge or can advance against a monster or monopoly as big as the one that exists. It exists from the company Backus here in Peru
What it sounds like you are describing is a regulatory moat or maybe the simple bribery of government officials.
If starting a business requires the permission of the government you have regulation. I would be shocked if pharmacies are not under some form of regulation though I suspect it much more liberal than the US.