Nuclear is the only option if we want to transition away from fossil fuels. Solar and wind won’t cut it. I find it very telling that those who cry most about global warming refuse to go for nuclear.
Agreed with nuclear, but also solar and wind are getting surprisingly large - these are in terawatts now.
There is not one solution, every place has their own, I use only solar and it’s way enough for me. I don’t need any nuclear power plant :)
10 sats \ 1 reply \ @TomK OP 15 Aug
The fight against nuclear was the founding theme of the green party in Germany (besides communism and pedophilia). As their program is adopted by all the other parasites and the msm Germany is going down with this infantile bs
The fight is explained by the cost of it. I wonder how much it costs in finality (extra costs and nuclear waste managing)