Windows, Apple and Android are all infected with this state surveillance shit. We know this much. Whether Linux is still free of it we cannot be entirely sure but Linux is still the best bet for all computing ~ especially Bitcoin work.
Why am I not surprised?
My question to the Microsoft representative was whether she’d be allowed to disclose if there are deliberate back doors in their systems, in the event that there are. She never responded to that question, but obviously, she didn’t have to. From other sources, we know that the NSA always prohibits the private companies they force into cooperation from disclosing any of it.
This reminds me of how Apple and Google were prohibited from disclosing that they were forced to turn over user push notification data.
"The story does not tell us how Linus Torvalds responded to the NSA, but I’m guessing he told them he wouldn’t be able to inject backdoors even if he wanted to, since the source code is open, and all changes to it are reviewed by many independent people. After all, that’s the whole point of open source code, and the reason that open source is the only kind you can trust when it comes to security."
I'm guessing he told them to shove the request where the sun doesn't shine.
Opensource is way to go to guaranty transparacy.
+1 for Linux. I love mac os, but seriously Linux is nothing to scoff at.
Do you think any specific distributions might be affected?
I don't think they are infected. Did you read the post?
yes. Linux itself seems to be safe. I was wondering if other companies that bundle distros, like Canonical or Red Hat, could have something. I hope not.
I have pretty good faith in Canonical, these days I trust Redhat a bit less.
I think Debian tried to do an "only include signed packages" thing but failed because it's a massive undertaking.
This shouldnt surprise us. A government agency encroaching on our rights? No way...
stackers have outlawed this. turn on wild west mode in your /settings to see outlawed content.