There's not a lot of VPS providers that accept Lightning, so the answer is technically none...
That said, it should run on most low-end-box type VPS, I've seen deals at places like Racknerd (that do accept on-chain Bitcoin) for like $20/year that should work.
In my tests it comfortably sits at 1GB of RAM and <2GB of storage... but bursting for restarts etc I recommend 2GB RAM and LND has been known to balloon to 20+GB on disk if it doesn't get restarted for awhile.
I think these ARM based VPS's have a lot of potential, you can't get a whole lot cheaper and there's still headspace as they come with 4GB of RAM... Hetzner is in my experience a very reliable provider as well with a good reputation.
My biggest hesitation talking about Hetz is they do such a good job that they're already a considerable part of the public graph
Good news is I've had some conversations with other big, but still underdog, cloud providers who are showing interest in launching more competitive solutions.