Regardless, it is hard to break the programming of the people around you. I know. I have tried on many subjects. Most of us are just the weird people in our social circles. We think differently. We are not bothered by holding views that are not on the index card of allowable opinion. At this point with bitcoin and many topics I just let people be. If they ask I'm ready to talk but I don't push. I'm a firm believer in leading by example. Making sure I'm prepared and strong so I can be a lighthouse when the storms come.
Dude, that's how I've been feeling on so many topics, not just bitcoin.
Sometimes, it makes me feel like a crazy person. But then, the opinions that I hold which many considered crazy at one point--most of them are now pretty mainstream points of view...
Not sure of your age (don't dox yourself) but I felt like that for years. The truth is, if you define crazy as different from the crowd then guilty. And I now embrace it. But the danger is starting to feel superior. Personally I see the tradeoffs of the way I am wired. Its not all upside and since a lot of it is just how I was born I don't get to take pride in it (IMO at least). Its what I do with what I have that matters to me.
Yesterday a friend sent me a message: I am switching to duck duck go
You know, when the "monopoly" talk around a company starts to peak that is when their hold on a market is about to break. Then comes the legislation to take credit for a market occurrence. Another fractal